Devo Ram II
Height: 1.72m (17.0hh)
Coat: Bay
Year of birth: 2002
Devo Ram II is a horse bred at the stud arm of Rafael Ayala (awarded best farm by SICAB 2005), sired by «Educado X» (Guardiola line) and out of «Deva IV».
Thanks to his sire, he currently looks like becoming one of the great elite horse prospects, counting amongst his successes the title of Spanish Champion, he is qualified and has a large number of offspring who have been highly placed at shows and in dressage, many of which have won at Tribunals for Qualified Breeding Stock (TQB) events.
What stands out Devo Ram II physically speaking is his height, his expressive face with true to type convex profile, long neck, good shoulders, straight back and loins, compact hindquarters and good legs.
From a functional point of view, his extended movements stand out, with an excellent walk and a very good trot and canter too.
His excellent progeny can be seen successfully in the show ring (Pitusina C.M., Belmonte XXVII, etc.). He easily passes on his sire’s conformation, and almost always acting as a breed improver.
Spain and EU
Fee: 400 euros.
Conditions to consult.